Everyone who owns a computer, be it a laptop or a desktop computer, will very likely eventually run into a computer problem which requires a repair. Unfortunately it does not matter how good or powerful your computer is, e.g. brand and hardware specs. All computers - even the most popular brands, run into problems which require repairs or upgrades.
Take a moment to think back to when you purchased your computer. If you purchased your computer new, or even refurbished, you were bound to be extremely satisfied with its performance when you first used it. Unfortunately, it is common that the performance slowly degrades where you are left with a computer which performs extremely slowly. When the performance degrades or when there is a problem, some people assume that, that is life and go out and purchase a new laptop / desktop computer. This performance decrease or problem could be resolved with a simple repair or upgrade!
Below, we have listed a few computer repair and upgrade situations that would require you to contact your computer technician or consider submitting a repair request to us via our Repairs Submission Form.